已经实现功能: 按过滤条件扫描设备、添加设备、修改mesh info, 加解密,开、关灯,调光,分组,状态显示等。
2024-04-03 15:22:32 43.97MB 蓝牙mesh
本<安信可ble mesh蓝牙模组TB-02模组专题>系列博客学习由官方博客 CSDN安信可博客 潜心所力所写。如有不对之处,请留言,我们及时更改。 1、BLE MESH开发环境linux版搭建,点亮一盏LED灯。 2、简单学习如何对接天猫精灵语音控制的过程; 3、微信小程序蓝牙通讯 Ble 蓝牙Mesh TB02模组; 文章目录一、材料准备二、实现过程三、蓝牙模块初始化四、微信小程序编程4.1 搜索设备4.2 连接设备4.3 获取服务列表4.4 获取服务下的特征列表4.5 如何接受设备发来的数据4.6 如何发送数据到设备 一、材料准备     这里务必声明一下,硬件对接需要一点成本请
2023-03-23 19:53:26 555KB ble le mesh
最新nordic SDK for bluetooth mesh. The nRF5 SDK for Mesh combined with the nRF52 Series is the complete solution for your Bluetooth mesh development. Use it as a foundation to quickly take advantage of the new capabilities. Highlights: Qualified Bluetooth mesh profile v1.0 stack Advertising and GATT bearer Node, Relay Node, Proxy Node and Low Power Node (experimental) role support Configuration and health foundation models Application models Generic OnOff Generic Level Generic Default Transition Time Generic Power OnOff Simple OnOff (vendor model example) Examples Light Control Dimming EnOcean switch intergration Beaconing Serialization Provisioning Over the advertising and GATT bearer Remote provisioning over relaying nodes Concurrent standard GATT/GAP connections and Bluetooth mesh For connectivity to smart phones and tablets Beaconing
2022-12-03 19:45:04 27.91MB 蓝牙 mesh
从墙外的蓝牙官网上下载的,1英文版本 分别有三个pdf: 1、《Mesh Profile》 2019-01-21 This Bluetooth specification defines fundamental requirements to enable an interoperable mesh networking solution for Bluetooth low energy wireless technology. 2、《Mesh Model》 2019-01-21 This Bluetooth specification defines models (along with their required states and messages) that are used to perform basic functionality on the nodes in a mesh network beyond the foundation models defined in the Bluetooth Mesh Profile specification [2]. This specification includes generic models defining functionality that is standard across device types, and models, such as lighting control, sensors, and time and scenes, to support key mesh scenarios. 3、《Mesh Device Properties v1.0》 2017-07-13 This specification contains the normative definitions for all adopted GATT characteristics and characteristic descriptors, with the exception of those defined in the Bluetooth Core Specification or in Bluetooth Service specifications.
2022-08-10 10:02:13 7.72MB 蓝牙 mesh 规范
2022-05-25 09:02:20 101.19MB 基于RTL8762CMF蓝牙me
Mesh Model Specification 1.0.1 21 Jan 2019 蓝牙Mesh模型 V1.0.1
2022-03-16 10:51:22 3.92MB mesh
2022-02-25 22:22:22 774KB 云原生
2022-02-19 15:12:27 12.69MB 蓝牙 蓝牙MESH
Mesh Configuration Database Profile Revision: v1.0 Revision Date: 2021-09-14 Group Prepared By: Mesh Working Group Abstract: This Bluetooth specification defines fundamental requirements to enable an interoperable Mesh Configuration Database for use with the Bluetooth Mesh Profile specification v1.0
2022-02-17 14:02:02 373KB 数据库 database 云原生
全套nrf蓝牙最新抓包工具V2.0.0-beta3,蓝牙mesh开发好帮手,除了下载工具包含所有需要的软件,有python,wireshark,已经配套好测试能够使用,放心下载,2019.8测试通过,有使用说明,能捕捉解释BLE MESH数据包