beaglebone black怎么使能PWM
2023-11-04 17:50:01 367KB beaglebone
Raspberry Pi Python库,用于使用INA219的电压和电流传感器 该Python库支持Python 2和3上的Texas Instruments的电压,电流和功率监控器传感器。该库的目的是使使用该传感器的相当复杂的功能变得容易。 该库当前仅支持连续读取电压和功率,但不支持触发式读取。 该库支持在电流/功率计算中检测溢出,从而导致这些读数的意义不大。 支持INA219的低功耗模式,因此,如果仅偶尔在基于电池的系统中进行读取,则可以将电流消耗降至最低。 该库已通过进行了测试。 安装与升级 该库及其依赖项( )可以通过执行以下操作从PyPI安装: sudo pip3 in
System Reference Manual Rev C.x(wiki) Schematic (PDF) Schematic (OrCAD) BOM (csv) All Hardware Documents, including PCB Files in archive (Allegro source and Gerbers)
2022-07-28 12:00:36 61.96MB beagle beagleboneblack BBB SRM
The Device Tree (DT), and Device Tree Overlay are a way to describe hardware in a system. An example of this would be to describe how the UART interfaces with the system, which pins, how they should be muxed, the device to enable, and which driver to use. The original BeagleBone didn't use the DT, but the recently released BeagleBone Black was released with the DT and is now using the 3.8 Linux Kernel.
2022-07-28 12:00:34 418KB BBB linux DT
Beaglebone Black PWM驱动,包括驱动源码、方法、应用程序等
2021-12-28 18:28:14 48KB Beaglebone Black PWM驱动
林克斯 使用LabVIEW与世界互动,以控制诸如Arduino和chipKIT和myRIO之类的嵌入式平台。 LINX提供了易于使用的VI,可与Arduino,chipKIT和myRIO等常见嵌入式平台进行交互。 使用内置的传感器VI可以在几秒钟内开始将数据发送到PC,或者使用外围VI来访问设备的数字I / O,模拟I / O,SPI,I2C,UART,PWM等。 入门:
2021-12-08 19:42:00 18.81MB beaglebone-black raspberrypi C++
This comprehensive book provides detailed materials for both novice and experienced programmers using all BeagleBone variants which host a powerful 32-bit, super-scalar TI Sitara ARM Cortex A8 processor. Authored by Steven F. Barrett and Jason Kridner, a seasoned ECE educator along with the founder of, respectively, the work may be used in a wide variety of projects from science fair projects to university courses and senior design projects to first prototypes of very complex systems. Beginners may access the power of the "Bone" through the user-friendly Bonescript examples. Seasoned users may take full advantage of the Bone's power using the underlying Linux-based operating system, a host of feature extension boards (Capes) and a wide variety of Linux community open source libraries. The book contains background theory on system operation coupled with many well-documented, illustrative examples. Examples for novice users are centered on motivational, fun robot projects while advanced projects follow the theme of assistive technology and image processing applications. Key Features: Provides detailed examples for all BeagleBone variants, including the newest "next generation" BeagleBone Black BeagleBone is a low cost, open hardware, expandable computer first introduced in november 2011 by beagleboard BeagleBone variants, including the original BeagleBone and the new beaglebone black, hosts a powerful 32-bit, super-scalar arM Cortex A8 processor BeagleBone is small enough to fit in a small mint tin box "Bone" may be used in a wide variety of projects from middle school science fair projects to university courses and senior design projects to first prototypes of very complex systems Novice users may access the power of the bone through the user-friendly bonescript environment Seasoned users may take full advantage of the Bone's power using the underlying Linux-based operating system A host of feature extension boards (Capes) and a wide variety of Linu
2021-11-21 19:03:48 12.59MB BeagleBone Black
一系列学习BeagleBone Black的心得。这是我根据网上的资料,以及很多相关书籍总结得来的,如果有兴趣一起学习嵌入式的话,欢迎互相交流。
2021-09-15 17:11:56 8.15MB UVC BeagleBone Black USB摄像头
WindRiver风河公司最新推出的VxWorks7,手把手教的入门文档,以beaglebone black开发板为例进行VxWorks的嵌入式应用开发。
2021-06-28 18:11:54 1.01MB 嵌入式 VxWorks beaglebone 风河
适用与Beaglebone Black的裸机程序MLO文件,官方发布的StarterWare包编译的MLO不能够直接用到Beaglebone Black上,现象是串口打印以下内容: StarterWare AM335x Boot Loader Copying application image from MMC/SD card to RAM Jumping to StarterWare Application... 但并没有实际现象。 原因是官方的Beaglebone MLO是DDR2的,而Beaglebone Black是DDR3的。 压缩包内含MLO和app两个文件,将这两个文件拷到TF卡内(前提TF卡格式要正确),按住S2键上电,可以从串口(Baudrate 115200)看到以下内容: StarterWare AM335x Boot Loader Copying application image from MMC/SD card to RAM Jumping to StarterWare Application... Hello AM335x. 说明裸机代码正确拷到DDR3内并运行。
2021-04-08 09:25:52 15KB beaglebone black MLO